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SQLDirect Standard (w/o source) 5.x

SQLDirect Standard (w/o source) 5.x

SQLDirect Standard (w/o source) Publisher's Description

SQLDirect is light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. SQLDirect contains Delphi components for access to the following SQL servers using 32-bit native call interfaces (API):
  • Centura(formerly, Gupta) SQLBase Server
  • IBM DB2 Universal Database
  • Infomix Server
  • Interbase/Firebird Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL Server
  • Oracle Server
  • PostgreSQL Server
  • Sybase SQL Server and SQLAnywhere (through Open Client)
  • OLEDB datasources
  • ODBC connectivity for other datasources
The features of BDE are available without distributing and configuring BDE and ODBC. Support all data-aware components including InfoPower, also BLOB-fields, cached updates, live result sets, stored procedures with multiple result sets, multithreading, record filtering, master/detail forms and other.

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